FAQ – Want to know more?

Check out these Frequently Asked Questions…


“Where do you teach?”

I teach in the West End of Morecambe; I will be pleased to welcome you to my premises for drum kit lessons on a full acoustic kit.


“How much are lessons?”

For an individual quote just give me a call, but as a guideline, you can expect my fees to be a little lower than most instrumental teachers in the Lancaster, & Morecambe area AND lower than standard Musicians’ Union rates!


“You look young on your photo – are you any good?”

Yes I’m quite young – but I have a Music degree from the University of Central Lancashire in Preston and I’ve been drumming since the age of 6!
I am working well beyond Grade VIII standard (which I passed at the age of 18) and hopefully anyone who has heard me drum will reassure you about my skills – why not check out some of my band/orchestra associations?
I’m also a guitarist – just talk to anyone who has been to a Wytch Hazel gig – I’m the guitarist, lead singer and composer for this local hard rock band.


“How long will it take me to learn?”

It is very difficult to give a general answer to this question. Some people are ‘naturals’ and learn very quickly, others take a little longer. Having said this, there are some important things you can do to learn more quickly:
1. Practise
2. Book a regular weekly lesson to review your progress
3. Practise
4. Listen regularly to the type of music you would like to play
5. Practise
6. Don’t get frustrated when it doesn’t come straight away. Take small steps.
7. Practise!


“Any more questions?”

If you have further questions or you are unsure about buying and setting up drum kits I’m happy to help.


Just give me a call and we’ll talk.